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Program Overview

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Program Overview

  • Offered only in the Fall Quarter, Frosh 101 and Transfer 101 are 1-unit courses designed to help new frosh and transfers adjust to life at Stanford.
  • For Frosh 101, participating students are strongly encouraged to enroll in a section within their assigned residence; for Transfer 101, participating students enroll in a section hosted in Kimball Hall.
  • Each section is comprised of a small group of students and is facilitated by two upperclass students known as “co-leads.”
    • In Frosh 101, one co-lead is a student who did Frosh 101 the previous year, and the other co-lead is a Resident Assistant (RA) or Ethnic Theme Associate (ETA) within the participating dorm.
    • In Transfer 101, both co-leads are transfer students who recently participated in Transfer 101.
  • Students meet with their section for 80 minutes once a week throughout the Fall Quarter.
  • Fun fact: in Fall 2023, 46% of the frosh class participated in Frosh 101!


The course has a discussion-based curriculum, covering three core topics related to transitioning to college and developing a sense of belonging:

  • Building a healthy community;
  • Engaging diversity and inclusion;
  • Reflecting on purposeful living and learning.

In Frosh 101 and Transfer 101, you will come together each week with your peers to learn more about each other, yourself, and who you want to be in this new environment. The course creates space for you to reflect on your values and goals as you make important decisions about how you will navigate all that Stanford has to offer.

Program Goals

By participating in the program, we hope that students will:

  • Gain insight about their own and others’ social identities, their personal values, and their sense of purpose.
  • Gain a sense of belonging and inclusion within the program and to Stanford in general.
  • Be able to identify strategies for making healthy choices at college, developing friendships, and managing stress.
  • Gain confidence in their ability to pursue personal and academic interests.
  • Understand how their personal decisions have the potential to impact others in academic, social, and residential contexts.
  • Gain confidence in seeking advice and guidance from staff and other students.
  • Gain confidence in their ability to participate in respectful conversations across difference.

Visit here for info on how to enroll in Frosh 101 or Transfer 101